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Moon Garden Design: Learn How to Plant a Moon Garden

Most of us have lovely gardens adorning our yards. These spaces not only brighten the areas around the wooden sheds, they also add to the value of our homes. They are the result of meticulous planning and strategic implementation. The sad part about all this is that many people do not have enough time to spend in these spaces. Yes, you put in all that work but rarely get to sit back and watch the plan come to life. Our lives comprise of chores, work, and family duties. By the time we look up, the sun has gone down and barely can we catch a glimpse of the beauty outside. The flowers have closed up, and it is time to head back to the house. What if there is a way around all this? What if you can keep up with your daily routine and enjoy your garden? Can you have your cake and eat it? The answer is yes, and here is what you can do.

The Moon Garden

As the name suggests, this garden is a variation to the norm. Unlike other gardens which people enjoy during the day, these types are best for the night. Under the light of the moon, these gardens come alive in both beauty and fragrance. They feature light-colored flowers which open in the night as well as plants with beautiful scents that are strongest in the wee small hours.

The light blooms reflect the moonlight. And with the backdrop of wooden sheds, they create quite the aesthetic. Unforgettable they are, and here is how you can create the same in your home:

The Design Process

These gardens feature an array of plants which do best in the night. You will thus have fun choosing what should go into your space as you play about with light colors. The selection should include plants that bloom in the night and those whose scents are most intense at night. A combination of fragrance and beauty is the key to this design. In this way, you can create a sanctuary in which you can relax and entertain your loved ones. Let’s get started:

Plant Selection


The plants you have in this space should be light in color as this allows them to reflect the moonlight. The result is breathtaking and would not be possible with dull colors.

White Blooms

White is a beautiful color, more so where you aim to enjoy reflection in the night. They are visible in the early evening and on into the night. Luckily, there are many options available to you, and you should thus not limit yourself to a few. Good examples in this regard include lilies and white trilliums, among others.

Cool Shades

During the day, cool colors have a hard time keeping up with bright ones. It is quite hard for one to notice the lavender growing in the garden when there is a giant sunflower next to it. But at night, the situation is different. These cool shades become visible, and they exude a beauty that will have you thinking twice about their placement in the garden. Examples of such shades include light blue, violet, and lavender. You could also go with a few bright colors in this regard, such as light yellow.

Light Foliage

You need a mix of colors to get the most out of the garden. As such, having some light foliage will be of great help. Not only are such plants beautiful, they also complement the white and cool shades in the space. They add to the reflection in play, and with some texture in place, they complete the picture. You can use silver sage, silver mound, and other such plants for this effect.

Fragrance Selection

Other than looks, a moon garden also features delicious scents wafting through the cold air. You should thus pay attention to the aromas.

Evening Blooms

Some plant varieties bloom in the evening and in so doing, they attract pollinators of the night. These plants should be part of your garden as they will complement it in both appearance and scent. When buying the blooms, be sure to consider their colors such that they are white, cool, or light. In this way, you will not affect the look of the garden. Consider evening primrose and the evening stock in this regard.

Also, you should look into the intensity of the scents. Some plants will be more fragrant come nightfall, and these are the ones that you should use. It is about exciting the senses as much as you can. Jasmine is one lovely plant whose scent becomes more intense as the night approaches. It will create a warm environment in which you can stare at the sky as you enjoy the work of your hands.

The Layout

With selections out of the way, it is time to put everything together. You start with the walkways as lining them with flowers is the easiest way to create a lovely aesthetic. When doing so, use the white flowers as they will create an outline of some sort. The cool shades and the light foliage plants can follow in the subsequent rows.

As you plant the garden, be sure to incorporate daytime plants in it. In this way, the garden will be attractive in the day and night. Failure to do this will result in a dull part of the garden that comes alive in the night. During the day, it will look drab, and there will not be much to write home about it. When planting, be sure to look into the requirements of each plant such that you plant those with similar needs in one place.

Though wooden sheds provide an ideal backdrop for the garden, you can use climbing plants to enhance the appearance. Picture a white flowering vine making its way to the roof of your house. With this in play, the garden will look fantastic day and night.

Water is another exciting way to add an aesthetic effect to this setup. Having a small pond or other water feature will reflect the moonlight alongside the flowers. The result will be breathtaking. And where you decide to use planters and pots, ensure that they are white as this will add to the brightness of the space.

Have fun in the design process, adding pieces that speak to your preferences. All the best of luck!

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