Famous Gardens Everyone Needs to See
Whether you love to garden or just love to look at gardens, you will enjoy this article. There is something for everyone in gardens that have achieved worldwide fame. Here is a compilation of our favorite famous gardens everyone needs to see! Must-See Famous Gardens Dumbarton Oaks If you are in Washington, D.C. to take in the history of politics, you should make time for Dumbarton Oaks. Although not the most appealing name, these gardens are fantastic. Set in an affluent neighborhood, the many gardens of this estate won’t disappoint. There are few things about these grounds that make them stand out on our list. There is a lovely sapphire blue pool surrounded by a Roman-style amphitheater. A cow path named Melisandre’s Allee is unique. The other way is Lover’s Lane, ending in the enc... (More) -
How to Plant Raspberries: A Guide for Everyone
Today we are going to teach you how to plant raspberries. These delectable edibles are delicious additions to your garden as well as your desserts! Even if you are new to gardening, you have nothing to fear. These little flowers love to grow outdoors and even try to take over! Yum! Tips to Plant Raspberries Choose a variety. It is not widely known that raspberries come in different colors. In fact, you can purchase these plants in tones of red, black, or yellow. Yellow being the most uncommon. The best way to choose which kind you want is by the flavor. If you are looking for the sweetest berries, go for red and yellow. Red are the most hardy, and black are the most difficult to take care of. However, the black varieties have the richest taste. There are actually 2 primary types of raspbe... (More) -
How to Plant Orchids
Orchids are beautiful. There is no denying that fact. However, most people view this plant as the most difficult flowers to go. We are here to tell you that is just not true! Orchids do not have to be a mystery, or a pain in the butt. In this article, we will cover a few of the ways you can grow these lovely plants in just a couple of steps. Before you know it, you will be a prize winning Orchid grower! How to Plant Orchids: A Guide The first step in planting Orchids is to choose a plant, and choose wisely. There are over 200,000 hybrid varieties of this flower, as well as over 30 different species. You should look for one of these flowers that will fit well with where you want to plant it: indoors or out. Another thing you should figure out is how easy each variety is to grow. For beginn... (More) -
How to Plant Cactus
Even if you have never considered these spiky plants, cacti and succulents are fantastic plants to keep indoor and outdoor. Many are quite low maintenance, so they are good for anyone just starting out on their cactus growing journey. These lovely desert plants make great housewarming gifts, an addition to you indoor garden, or a great way to make your own desert oasis in the city. Since most readers do not live in a desert location, we will be focusing on how to plant cactus for indoor use. How to Plant Cactus: 3 Ways When it comes to methods of planting cactus, there are 3 primary ways most people do so. Seeds, propagation, and already grown container plants are the most common. Stay tuned to see which method is the best for you! #1. From Seed If you want to plant your cactus from seed,... (More) -
Trees and Shrubs: Things Everyone Needs to Know
Most people throughout the world have trees, shrubs, or both. Most people also think they know how to take care of them the right way. As long as they aren’t dying they are thriving. Right? In this article, we will give you all of the facts that everyone needs to know about trees and shrubs. 16 Things Everyone Should Know #1. Both Improve Water Quality Did you know having shrubs and trees in your yard can improve the ground water? This is extremely important news for anyone living off of their own well. Even if you get city water, these two plants can help filter the rainwater for that purpose! #2. They Live a Long Time Trees are actually the longest living organisms on Earth. It’s cousin the shrub can also last a very long time. If you are interested in planting either of these, make... (More) -
How to Plant Peonies
Peonies are a gorgeous perennial that come back year after year. You can find flowers that smell like roses, that smell lemony, or that have no smell at all. There are also six different kinds to choose from: single, anemone, semi-double, Japanese, double, and bomb. These delicious flowers are also able to grow from hardiness zone 3 all the way to zone 8. They even love freezing cold winters. Actually, they need them. If this little flower sounds good to you, stay tuned on how to plant peonies near your wooden shed or a log cabin! When to Plant Peonies The best time to plant these lovely large flowers is the fall. In fact, late fall would be best. We recommend September and October for those with 4 seasons. Anyone living in a more southern area should wait a few months later. If you want ... (More) -
Biodynamic Gardening: What is it?
If you have never heard of biodynamic gardening, you are not alone! This method of growing plants originated out of France and hasn’t gone back since. In fact, it is also called French Intensive gardening. Around the world today farmers, lay people, and the Earth alike are enjoying the benefits. So, what is this ethical kind of gardening? What do you need to do it? What are the benefits? Is there anything that should hold you back? In this introductory article, we will explore these questions and more. What is it? We already know this type of gardening is holist, ethical, and ecological. But what is it, exactly? Bio gardening is very similar to organic gardening, but it draws on esoteric ideas. Basically, it’s all about getting spiritually involved with the lives of your plants and ev... (More) -
How to Plant Bare Root Trees
Bare root trees are great for shade, landscaping, and fruit. Although many people believe they are difficult to plant and grow, we don’t think so. Even if you are a beginner, we know you can do it all by yourself! Here is our helpful guide on how to plant bare root trees around your wooden garage. What is a Bare Root Tree? If you are new to the whole concept of how to plant bare root trees, don’t worry! We’re here to clear it up for you. Bare root trees are named after the fact that their roots are completely bare when you receive them. Once the tree loses its leaves (goes dormant), it is plucked from its hole, the soil is removed, and the roots are wrapped in moist sawdust. 9 Easy Steps for Planting Step #1: Unpack the Tree Usually bare root trees come through a mail order. That me... (More) -
How to Plant Roses: The Most Important Information
Welcome to our article on how to plant roses. Whether you are a beginner, intermediate, or novice gardener, there is always more you can learn about these gorgeous flowers. Most roses are red, some are blue, planting can be confusing, so we’re here to help you! Your Intro to the Wide World of Roses Choose a Place to Plant There are a few important things to take into consideration when deciding on a location around your mobile home to plant your flowers. Here are our top suggestions. Sunlight – Roses need at least 6 hours of sunlight per day. If you live in a climate where harsh sun is an issue, go ahead and plant your flowers in partial shade. However, you still want them to receive the morning sun. Soil – Most roses can do well in almost any kind of soil, but you should still p... (More) -
How to Start a Vegetable Garden
The hardest part of any activity is taking the first step. Even if you have always wondered how to start a vegetable garden, it can feel like an uphill battle to start. While it is true there are a lot of things to think about, it doesn’t have to feel like a chore! In this article, we will walk you through how to create your own edible garden right in your own backyard! Stay tuned to find out what you have to look forward to! Veggie Gardening Pick Your Plot The first and most important thing to do when starting your vegetable garden is picking your plot. There are a few things to consider, including sunlight, soil, zone, and personal preference. When deciding to start growing veggies, these are the 4 things you must reflect on. Sunlight – How much sun do vegetables need? The answer... (More)